What our clients say about us
(Dean) I sent a newish client of mine an email asking him, how is back was after he came in complaining of back pains after bending over and lifting a few things. This is the response I got and thought I would share it with you all. (Client) Thanks for asking. My back has recovered a bit today, your work on it clearly helped and i am grateful, My wife and I were only just commenting before your email how much better we both feel generally and how grateful we are to you. It’s certainly one of the best things (if not the best) that has happened to us for a long time
Leslie S
I have been training with Dean - about ten years now, and at least twice weekly. During that period, I seem to have doubled the weights on all the equipment used; so I can now be reckoned strong for my age – which is 82. This is impressive; and I owe it to your careful supervision.
Chris Jukes
I joined Fitness Club London in order to lose weight and improve fitness for some upcoming sporting events and for general health in my early 40s.
Dean has tailored both nutrition and exercise regimes to help me head towards these goals steadily. In nine months, I have worked off 17kg, which is over 80% of the way to my weight goal ahead of a sporting tour for Great Britain in March-April 2017. Skiing was completely liberated from muscle aches and fatigue.
Dean’s style of personal attention, and the avoidance of other distraction around the gym, make it possible to focus on improvements in technique and achievement. This helps me to recognise progress with each training session, which sustains my interest and motivation.
Derek L
I had come out of an angioplasty and was looking for trainers to help me with cardio-vascular fitness and weight reduction. I really consider myself fortunate to have discovered Dean and his facilities. I am 50 and have been training with Dean for about two months now and I am a completely changed person with a whole new attitude to fitness. I have lost about two stone in about 10 weeks, but more importantly, I find myself having a lot more energy and physically much more active. All of this has been largely achieved with Dean's training. The exercises are customised for my physique and they help me work all of my body in a very gradual way. His approach was to understand my body and centre all exercises around the my needs and capabilities - unlike other trainers who roll out standard exercise sets. Dean also brings a huge amount of commitment, empathy and passion to these sessions - and that helps motivate and keep the sessions very engaging. He also has an excellent, spacious, full facility gym for the training sessions and the sessions are only for one person at a time.
Srini G
I have been training with Dean since last July and it has been fantastic. I had been struggling with a back injury for several years and had tried all kinds of Physiotherapy and Osteopathy with mixed results and only temporary relief. Dean felt he could help and very rapidly he started strengthening my core and doing manipulations to release the lower back. He started very carefully making sure I did not make the injury worse and within four weeks there was a huge reduction in the amount of pain I was suffering on a constant basis. Since then he has built things up and we work on the rest of the body now, as well as my diet and cardiovascular exercise. I feel much healthier, stronger, and fitter, in addition to the pain relief, and it is due to Dean’s professionalism and talents as a trainer. I would recommend him to anyone, he takes his job very seriously and gets results.
Steven B
I started training with Dean feeling quite sceptical as I was already reasonably fit and did a fair amount of walking but over the 18 months since Dean’s been my trainer, my overall sense of wellbeing has improved beyond anything I could have contemplated. I feel a sense of vitality and everyone has commented on the improvement in my posture and the "bounce" in my step. I knew that core strength was essential especially for older people and I now no longer need to use my hands to support myself but most importantly, I feel strong and fit. Dean has been incredible, combining encouragement (mostly) with cajoling and enabled me to reach a level of strength that I thought was beyond me. And of course, it isn't the strength that anyone sees but the youthfulness that many younger people do not have. Dean’s training regime has not only strengthened me but improved my shape and helped every aspect of my life and I could not thank him more.
Jill S
I sent a newish client of mine an email asking him, how is back was after he came in complaining of back pains after bending over and lifting a few things. This is the response I got and thought I would share it with you all.
Thanks for asking. My back has recovered a bit today, your work on it clearly helped and i am grateful,
My wife and I were only just commenting before your email how much better we both feel generally and how grateful we are to you. It’s certainly one of the best things (if not the best) that has happened to us for a long time
Leslie S
When I first started training with Dean I was stuck in a bad cycle (diet, drink, no exercise) and needed a change. I thought all I wanted was a quick fix but my tune changed when I saw that within 10 sessions I went from being able to do 50 pushups to over 240 and lost 3kg (and 2% bodyfat). Best of all I finally got my first pull-up! Dean won’t lie to you about how hard you need to work to succeed, unlike other trainers I’ve been with. He is always upfront yet supportive and willing to take you there if you have the drive. Strength aside, aesthetically I’m so happy with the results, I haven’t been this fit since I was 18 and I can’t wait to continue training. Now it time to throw all those baggy clothes out! Julianna
This is not a case of 3rd time lucky. No, this was my 5th attempt at finding a suitable, knowledgeable, simply able personal trainer! Well, 12 months on, I am at last able to confirm that Dean from the Fitness Club London is it! Yes, this guy definitely belongs in the Saville Row of Personal Trainers – he tailors his programme to suit each individual, rather than put-downs and criticisms. He understands all age groups and their needs, he deals neatly, delicately and creatively with aches, pains and even disability, sans fuss, in a very business like but curiously personal fashion. Handy with diet and nutritional advice, Dean from the Fitness Club is a seriously talented and caring human being. One year on, minus 22 kg, with a metabolic age 13 years below my (real?) age, and with a “pristine” (my Doctor!) set of blood test results, I’m on a mission – at mission control is Dean
Ronald Hofbauer
I have seen an amazing change in body and outlook on my diet since working with Dean at the Fitness Club! I had several personal trainers before but Dean is the first that actually made me feel and look better. Dean was able to quickly determine a plan that was right for me and once I finally listened to his advice I immediately saw a change. I actually went from 32% bodyfat down to 20% bodyfat in just over 6 months. Every time I see someone who I have not seen in a while they comment on how good I look which makes me feel really great!! I cannot thank Dean enough for keeping me focussed on my personal health goals!!
Tara K
I first trained with Dean 5 years ago and he helped my lose a great amount of weight and get fit. I kept the weight off for a few years but last year it crept up again. I decided I had to do something about it and I instantly knew who to get in touch with. A personal trainer is no substitute for hard work and discipline, but Dean pushes you beyond your comfort zone so you can get fitter and leaner, something which I couldn't have done by myself. I started training with Dean in january at 99 kilos and 32% body fat and I am now (in june) 80 kilos and 18% body fat.
Panos G
The Fitness Club London is the best Gym I have discovered. Being 23 years old and a size 18 is not pleasant. I had lost my confidence and my personality was hidden within me. Having tried 2 personal trainers and kick-boxing classes nothing seemed to motivate me and most importantly understand me. Then one day, after a period of time, I decided I would try again and by chance I had met Dean at the Fitness Club. Dean equals ‘changed my life’. I explained what I wanted to achieve and finally someone understood my goals and the results are fabulous. I am an individual that cannot stand repetitiveness and Deans sessions are always exciting as you just don’t know what to expect apart from one thing, results. But, it is important to remember that results will take effect only if you follow Dean’s advice.
Olivia Murai
I have been training with Dean - about ten years now, and at least twice weekly. During that period, I seem to have doubled the weights on all the equipment used; so I can now be reckoned strong for my age – which is 82. This is impressive; and I owe it to your careful supervision.
Chris Jukes
"I've lost 11 kgs over 12 weeks with Dean. His style is unique - no macho pressure that has a contrary effect, just aware, continuous, courteous and focused attention to what I do every step of the way, to upping the exercises to reviewing the cardio or the diet regularly. Dean told me in our first session: "I don’t let people slide." I was so grateful to discover this was true and had a direct effect on the results I was seeking. So from this experience I can say if you've decided to get that weight off that oppresses you, and decided to take all steps that are necessary, Dean is the trainer to teach you the training and diet patterns to get there."
Jean-Claude Audergon
When I first came to see Dean, I could hardly do 5 mins walking anywhere. After only a few weeks training with Dean I have significantly improved, and can now do 30 minutes! Dean has tailored a programme, which absolutely suits my abilities and needs. Before I met Dean, for the last 9 yrs I could not even get up from the floor without help. Now, it is easy and I am able to get up and down on my own. There are many other things showing how I have improved while training with Dean. And I am thankful to him for that and would highly recommend him to anyone.
Claire Jacobs
I have been working with Dean for 3 months and am fitter and stronger than I have been for twenty years, and slimmer too. He is very careful and caring but pushes you continuously to make progress, and it works.
There is no such thing as a slow session at Dean's gym. Dean doesn't take prisoners or do compassion but then who would want to join a gym that does.Since starting training eight months ago my body has completely changed shape. I have been training all my life, getting nowhere, but now I can see muscle tone and feel real strength. It's not always easy but Dean pushes you forward to achieve the goals we all hope to gain.
Susie Olins
Dean does what he says on the tin in creating personable programs to meet your needs with no copycatting. I was hindered by an on-going shoulder problem, preventing me from being out on the road cycling for more than 40 minutes. After various training methods and therapies that did not work I came across Dean’s profile which intrigued me. Since then he has stripped me down and built me back up again and I have gained so much more. After working with Dean over a few months I have competed again, got a couple of 100+ rides under my belt and not only built my endurance but increased my power, roll on 2013. This would not have been achievable without him. Dean knows his profession inside and out and more importantly he cares, listens and supports your ambitions for you to deliver. P.S You will not get bored with his tailored programs.
Sam Morgan
Training with Dean has revolutionised my approach to life, fitness and food. He understands your goals and desires and will work tirelessly to help fulfil them. Obviously it's an effort on both parts but it is the half the battle when you have someone as supportive and willing as Dean. In three months my whole body has changed so much so that I am excited for the next three months of transformation under Dean's watchful and attentive eye!
Mark K
I had suffered from a Slip Disc and Sciatica, so treated my back with kid gloves. The most exercise I did was a few stretches and a 25mins session on my upright bicycle - that was until I began to train with Dean. I then discovered that I could do virtually anything. Two weeks of training with Dean and I could do 30 full push-ups! I feel like a new born baby now, I have great stamina and do not experience any more aches and pains. My husband looked at me two days ago and said, ' you are looking a lot prettier!'. Thank you Dean! I'm so glad you didn't listen to me when I tried to do a u-turn. I have not had one reoccurrence of my back pain, I am a lot more flexible now!
Rukky Tongo
At my initial assessment at The Fitness Club, Dean really impressed me with his depth of knowledge and professional approach. I was terrified to start, but I haven't looked back. The gym is friendly and unintimidating. Dean's personal, tailored approach means that my programme is designed around my goals, I never get bored and I can see results really quickly. Training sessions are hardcore, but fun (and often funny), and I love the fact that I can see changes in my fitness levels and strength from week to week. I have been amazed by what I have been able to do, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without Dean's expertise, encouragement and support.
Dean is an excellent trainer. Enthusiastic, knowledgeable, patient and supportive, he gives you help and encouragement to move from level 0 to the next. There's none of that ridiculous pumping or bullying approach to exercise, no "standing-around-and watch-while-you're-doing-only-cardio" sessions, he always pushed me to expand my limits. Dean's training programme was created to meet my individual requirements, has worked well for me and it has also been a benefit that he has always adapted and changed what we do to keep it interesting. It's hard work but at the same time a lot of fun. So far, I've lost 6kgs in less than 12weeks and I am feeling fitter and healthier than ever and that's only the beginning. His system simply works 😉 Thank you Dean.
I am 64 years old and a long distance runner. I know it is important to do weight training and resistance work in addition to the cardio-vascular workout the running gives me, but in the past have found gym workouts to be both tough and tedious. But I am glad to report that the two personal training sessions per week with Dean have proved the opposite. He is good at summing up and providing the essentials you personally need and creates an individualized programme. This programme is challenging but manageable. Dean pays close attention during the training and so helps to prevent injury.
I went to see Dean after a recommendation from a client. I had been training for years having previously played rugby to a high standard. I had got bored with training and had lapsed into a half-hearted workout. The weight came on and I felt sluggish. Initially it was tough-humility and some pain were accepted. Later you start seeing the transformation. A handle on diet and lots of hard-work and encouragement meant I shred 2 stone in a steady way. I have real strength and am into the next stage of the transformation into what I wanted: fast, lean, muscular and very fit. Dean's not a light-touch. He doesn't mess around. If that's what you want he's not for you. If you want someone to help you achieve your goals he is. We've formed a close bond through sweat and results and count him as a friend.
Mark F
I explained what I wanted to achieve and finally someone understood my goals and the results are fabulous. I am an individual that cannot stand repetitiveness and Dean’s sessions are always exciting as you just don’t know what to expect apart from one thing, RESULTS’ Sophie Bowman, 30, London
Sophie B
When I started training with Dean I was totally out of shape and I was overweight. I was not walking properly and I couldn't do a single push-up. After training for three months I have lost 8Kg and my body fat has gone down from 18% to 15%. My metabolic age is 15 years less than my physical age. Now I can do 300 push-ups No problem Each training session is different and more challenging than the last one. You can feel you improve from week to week. What I liked the most is that training is really carefully tailored for my needs and goals, and even if it is hard work (as it should be!) it is feasible and effective. Nutrition is also very important and if you follow Dean's advice (not crazy or impossible diets but straight to the point adjustments to your Life style) results are guaranteed. No stone is left unturned to help you achieve your goals.
Juan A. Rufes
From a starting point of highly restricted body movement, being overweight, very high blood sugar levels and an inability to complete 1 full press/up... A 5 week regime of training at the Fitness Club London under Dean's instruction has restored my ability to move, bend and stretch normally and has resulted in huge reductions in weight (-4.5 kg's), body fat (-7%) and blood sugar levels (now normal). This has also been achieved without me ever feeling hungry. The journey has just started and will continue and it is clear anything is possible with the advice and motivation provided at Fitness Club London!
Terry A
Dean’s approach to training is tailored to my personal needs. When I first started, Dean took time to ensure that I improved my fitness levels and built up my core strength until I was ready to move on to more demanding training. He has a wealth of experience and is aware of my capabilities such that the risk of injury is always avoided. His sessions are well planned and balanced and his advice on nutrition and lifestyle are invaluable. He is flexible and committed to his clients, helping me to fit my training into my busy lifestyle.
Andy C
The best personal trainer ever, after a month of research in Finchley road area. I've joined Fitness Club London forPersonal training, the main reason was to lose weight! Dean understands your needs. And in two months ... I’ve lost 8kg! He’s helped me a lot to understand the type of training I need to do in order to reach my goal. Recommended for everyone!! And I hope to lose 10 kg over the next two months:-)
Samuele Perrone